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Do you need to install a WiFi driver in your Linux? If so, then you need temporary internet access by other means for that. You can of course temporarily connect your computer to the router by an ethernet cable (wired internet). Or you can plug in a USB WiFi dongle that does work out of the box in your Linux.
But what's often most expedient: you can simply use your cell phone! You can namely establish a temporary internet connection for your computer, by applying the phone's feature for USB tethering. That little-known but very useful feature, allows you to pass on your cell phone's internet access to your computer.
It doesn't matter whether your phone itself has its internet via WiFi or via mobile data: your phone can pass on both kinds of internet connection by means of USB tethering.
In order to use USB tethering for your computer, proceed like this:
I. USB tethering with an Android phone (the how-to is for Android 14, in other Android versions the menu path might differ)
a. Make sure your phone has internet connection, either by mobile internet or by WiFi (doesn't matter which one, as both can equally easily be channelled to your computer).
b. Connect your phone to your computer by USB cable (your phone charger probably has a detachable USB cable that can be used for this purpose).
c. On your phone: Settings - Connections - Mobile Hotspot and Tethering
d. USB tethering: switch it on.
e. Your Linux Mint or Ubuntu should recognize your phone instantly as "wired" internet connection and should enable it automatically. Easy as pie!
II. USB tethering with an iPhone (the menu path might vary in different iOS versions)
a. Make sure your phone has internet connection, either by mobile internet or by WiFi (doesn't matter which one, as both can equally easily be channelled to your computer).
b. Connect your iPhone to your computer by USB cable (your phone charger might have a detachable USB cable that can be used for this purpose).
c. On your phone: Settings - Personal Hotspot: activate it.
d. Your Linux Mint or Ubuntu should recognize your phone instantly as "wired" internet connection and should enable it automatically.
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